F.C. Vogt Company, Inc.
7921A West Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23294
Office and Mailing:
4813 Rodney Road
Richmond, VA 23230
Office Phone: 804-358-1651
We collaborate with numerous conservators, historians, architects, material scientists, artists and tradespeople in an effort to provide the highest level of expertise and competence. These individuals are ones we unreservedly recommend should you wish to contact them. If there are other specialties you are looking for that are not listed here, please contact us and we'll help you find someone. A far more comprehensive listing of conservators for every specialty can be found through Art-Care and the "Find a Conservator" data base at the American Institute for Conservation at www.conservation-us.org.
American Institute for Conservation
Vernacular Architectural Forum
Society of Gilders
Early American Industries Association
The McCrone Institute for Microscopy
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Winterthur Institute
Decorative Arts Trust
Smithsonian Institution
Preservation Virginia
Washington Conservation Guild
Virginia Department of Historic Rescources
Historic Richmond Foundation
National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts
American Friends of the Georgian Group
Architectural Gilding Conservation
Objects Gilding Conservation
Restoration and Preservation Carpentry
Upholstery Conservation
Painting and Mural Conservation
Period Style Woodcarving
Finish Analysis
Wood Analysis
Historic Reproduction Furniture Making
Architectural Drawings and Documentation
Historic Object Research, Appraising and Brokering
Reproduction Brasses
Historic Reproduction Metals Fabrication
Historic Painting
Artistic Painting and Gilded Decoration
Photography of Objects, Buildings and Interiors
Historic Preservation Architects
Historic Interior Design
Michael Kramer
Russell Bernabo
Michael Kelley
Jennifer Zemanik
David Olin
Rob McCollough
Susan Buck
Kirsten Travers
Harry Alden
Harrison Higgens
Battle Brown
Sumpter Priddy III
Londonderry Brasses
Tim Parsley
Tom Ford
Nancy Beck
Dennis McWaters
Baird Smith
Douglas Harnesburger
Amanda Edwards
Patrick Burkhart
Christine Corbin
Ralph Harvard
The following organizations are helpful for finding information about specific
conservation and historic preservation needs and collections.